The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Democracy and Liberty:

Today we hit a milestone in the number of American dead, who died as part of the ongoing operations in Iraq. It smells like Nam all over again. But in a way its' not. The basic questions remain the same. Why are we there? Whats the strategy? When are we pulling the troops out? It's a hot there. It's allways the same bitch, by the soldiers about the climate. The president, just like LBJ, has failed to sell this conflict to the American people. The why is never easy and invloves a bit of philosophy. But what the president fails to see is the other side of the question. We have another why? The failure of the president is in his inability to explain the first why, and to see the importance of the second why. The first why is centered on the argument for democracy in a region that through time has proven socialy unstable. The second why is centered in the reasoning for American troops. Why must it allways be Americans? Why are we allways going to war?What are we fighting for? It is not enough that American leaders say it is for the good of the world. It is not enough to say because we are a free people that we have anobligatgion to help another country thro the chains of tyrany off. No Americans' are selfish, Americans are protective of their children who they see leave for a conflict in which they have nothing at stake. What is at stake for Americans that we have to ask our young and brave children to sacrifice themselves in a conflict that is seemingly without any value to the nation? The president can preach about the value of spreading democracy through out the world, but America the nation, the cradle of liberty and democracy, sees no point, no value to a conflict in a nation that has no value to Americans themselves. The president has failed in makeing his case to the American people, about the war in Iraq. What the president has failed to do is in the manner of which he has tried repeatedlly failing, to allow for a debate on the virtues of going to war in another country, for the purpose of creating and establishing a democratic form of government after over throwing a tyrant. Here we have the crux if the problem. A failure of the American people to understand, and a failure of a president to teach to the American people, what the ideas and concepts of liberty are, and their importance to all Americans, and the need to share them with others in foreign lands held hostage by tyrants. Democracy can not be attained in ignorance, nor can it be attained in a land torn apart by conflict. Democracy can only arise when a people, social groups see the benifits of peacefull self through democracy. Democracy should not be confused by the idea of liberty, which if man must sacrifice himself for an idea then it should be this one. It is through liberty that a people are able to find the road to self determination best by themselves. It is not Democracy that we are striveing to bring to the people of Iraq but the idea of liberty. America is not fighting Al-queda because of relgion, but to protect the idea the virtue of liberty. Liberty, this noble virtue of which all of humanity's oppressed seek to attain is the real reason why we fight wars like the one in Iraq, and Vietnam. What is ignoble is the manner in which the argumant for war is made because it lacks the clear understanding for the need of of noble virtue in the pursuit of liberty. Live free or die. Give me liberty or give me death. For it is in being free to have liberty that man can live, experiance the joy, and happiness that life can bring. Unfortunetly the oppressed of this world have no hope in experianceing the greatness of being free, to express themselves, or to the right of self dtermination, either of their own lives or the direction of their nation, in how it protects and guards that precious idea called liberty. The purpose for the conflict is to finaley bring to an oppressed region the right, the virtue of liberty. We ask Americans to sacrifice themselves, to put themselves in harms way so that others might have chance to experiance, and taste that idea called liderty.Thus the sacrfice of American soldiers is a noble one, because we ask them to die in the name of liberty, freedom. Thus the twin failures, of a nation to understand, and a president to remind the nation of the value of liberty. Semper Fi. Let freedom ring.


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