The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The worship of Mary over God:

It seems that the worship and devotion to Mary has taken presedence over the worship of God. I know the thinking that the devotion to Mary is a path to salvation. But the Catholic church in my mind has gone over board in its' devotion to Mary. I understand the thinking that it seems because of the story of God takeing Mary a virgin and makeing her concieve his son. Not nessary. People who think this way don't know, don't understand the power of God. People allso fail to understand Gods' plans. The love and devotion people show to Mary should be showing it to God. Why not create a prayer that can be recited to the Lord multiple times for the purpose of salvation, just like the Hail Mary? The Catholic Church should show more devtion to the Lord and less to Mary. Who sits in ultimate judgement? The Lord that's who. The problem with the devotion to Mary is that people don't seem to reach out to God in either times of praise, but mainly in times of need. The mass should be a combonation of both the worship and praise of God, and rememberance of Christ's suffering as he went to hell to wrestle with the devil for three days', in what must have seemmed like years' instead. The Catholic Church has two types of masses, one for holidays', and speacial occaions, they are called high masses. The low mass is the daily mass and the Sunday mass. The church needs a high mass solely devoted to the worship of the lord. The people need to learn to pray and devote them selves to God alone, minus the saint's and Mary. A renewel to the worship of God as a single being, like in the Jewish tradtion. Whether people realize it or not their recitation of the rosary is not realy helpng their faith, but hindering their growth in faith to God. The way to salvation is following the path of Christ, but this allso includes the worship and devtion of God as a single being not includeing the worship of the holy spirit, or worshiping Christ as though he is one with God, though he is, but to worship God, and God alone, as being a supreme being.
On the issue of saints, what good are saints if they do not live amoung us helping us aleve the pain and sufering of all humans'? Those claiming miracles are in most cases' disillusioning themsleves. Since who are the most powerful saints? The archangels are more powerful than the strongest saint. But the point here is that prayers and devotion to heaven should be solely made to God and not to the angels, saint's, or Mary. Semper Fi ought to mean to the Lord alone. Amen.


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