The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

An Arrogant Church:

The archbishop of Boston has done it again. He's made another parrish angry with him. This time it's the parrishoners of Our Lady Help of Christians Church, in Newton Mass. It seems that the archbishop decided to remove the pastor Father Walter Cuenin over some fraudulent accounting irregularities in regard to car leased with a stipend from the parrish. The archdioese just took the chance on trumped up charges to remove a priest that was'nt toeing the official church line. It seems that Father Cuenin was not suppose to be reaching out to homosexuals, estranged and ailenated catholics trying to find their way back, and also divorced and remarried couples. You get the idea. He was'nt suppose to be reaching out to those whom the church deems unworthy of salvation. But boy is the church so wrong on this one. Especialy in Boston whare the infamous priest scandel started. Here we have a man of God doing what he feels is right, and he had the backing of the parrish! Not only that but the parrish because of this pastor was flourishing. But the archdiocese felt that Father Cuenin was'nt orthodox enough for it's likeing so it sacked him for alleged "finacial irregularities".
What the church seems to have forgotten, or fails to recoginize is that those who attend mass are performing an act of contrition. The mass because it recount the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross is a act of pennence by all those who attend mass. So while the church condems others it is condeming its self by not acting with understanding and mercy. It is reasonable that the church believe in a certain set of trueths that form the basis for it's doctrine. One of those trueths could be that homosexuality is not of the highest form of human virtue. That homosexuality is a corrupt form of humanity. Another trueth that the church shuold hold is that while abortion is choice of grave seriousness, the church repects the right of a person to choose between good or evil. It ought to maintain that abortion is a act of murder, thus an evil act it, but it welcomes those who seek redemption through attendance at mass and doing other acts of pennance. The Church as a teacher of morality ought to teach just why the act of marriage is so important. It ought to explain that marriage and the vow of fidelity are of the most solom vows that people can make. Marriage ought to be seen in the light of a couple vowing to be faithful and loveing of one another through the worst and best of times. Other wise the cermony of marriage lacks the depth and power that makes it such an important vocation. The church ought to teach that people, should they choose to rermarry need to recomit themselves to being faithful spouses. The church needs greater patience, mercy and understanding in this regard.
What Father Cuenin seems to inderstand is that theres a place for all different types of people within the Catholic Church, within the kingdom of heaven, and he was acting in way he thought best served his parrish. This man ought to be praised, and not prosecuted for alleged "financial irregulairities". What has become obvious is that the Church has forgotten it's role as understanding and merciful counsler to the sinners.


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