The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The impatient attitude of the Black Community:

It seems to me that the African American community has problem. That problem is in being patient. They don't seem to be patient enough in allowing for others to accept them regardless of their skin color. I think this lack of patients, and fortitude amoung black leaders has led the Democrat party to become the party of victims. The anger and impatient attitude of black leaders at not being accepted quickly enough by America at large has given way to a sence of continous crisis, not only within the black coomunity, but in the Democrat party in particular. Thus there's a lack of reason, and a lack of fortitude wthin these debates on issues of race and poverty. But before we to far ahead of our self's let's remember that it usual takes a couple of generations for any immigrant group to be fully accepted within a new country, as has been the case of this country.

I am willing to concede that maybe the impatient attitudes, and anger of the black community might be related to the fact that blacks have been in this country since before it's inception. But let's allso remember that it's only been at least one generation since the hey day of the civil rights demostrations, and that it will take the work of at least two more generations to progress to the point whare blacks are accepted seemlessly as other groups are.

However if the black leaders, and the black community are not willing to wait another two genrations to see the results of such progress, then I would point out that they too are intolerant and irrashionaly impatient for what will naturaly come about with time. Let me point out that the African American community is not the first such racial group to feel the way they do. All they have to do is look to the Jews. A race of people who have been continuously persecuted for thousands of years now, simply for their religous belief's.

I in no way seek to deny or refute the history of black histiory in America. Nor do I seek to degrade, to ignore the suffering that blacks endured as slaves in America. My point is merely to add reason to a debate that seems to me has been lacking a reasonable voice.

To me Blacks in genral are a religous people, they ought to stop yelling about how they are the victims of racism, and work with the quiet presance of fortitude to make their lives better. They like everyone in this nation have the right to pursue their happiness however they please, to what ever might make them happy.

I would implore black leaders to denounce the rap culter that pervades their community. It does no one good except to amplify the anger, and hate of the youth. Nor is the rapper life one that should be glorified. To see black youth wearing expensive jewlery is not only a lack of virtue but also a lack of modesty. Not to mention a foolish waste of wealth. Wealth that could be put to better use, or stored away for reatirement. I understand that these kids are comeing from places whare they have nothing, and ought to enjoy the finer things of life. I agree but with modesty. The rapper lifestyle now pervades every part of American life, and crosses all racial boundries. We need to stop this maddeness, and begin to preach against it. We and I mean we whether it's a Catholic priest in NewEngland or a Baptist minister in South Carolina need to start preaching against this pervasive culuture of material exesses, anger, and hate in this country. By doing so we together can start to make America, a better place for all.


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