The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Fear of Capitalism:

It is fear that motivates people to act or vote a certain way. Fear can be driveing force with either the use of wisdom, as a motivateing factore, or out of cowherdly fooloishness like in fearing Capitalism. Hugo Chavez has capitalized on that fear in Venezuela,and South America. Politicans use fear as a means to win support for their positions. Under tyrants fear is used to control the mob, to instill fear and a sence of vunerablity so as to instill a dependency on the tyrant in the role of big brother who can help those who cant' escape from the prison of fear. Fear is used as a basis for a false ideaology that offers a utopia with out fear but under the control, and domination by the tyrant. Socialism is a case in point. It preys upon the fears of the people to depend on government for safty and security while enslaveing them to false ideaology of a utopia that is born not out of self determination but out of need and fear. Capitalism susseeds whare the fear is tempered by haveing freedom, which gives rise to hope and the ability of self determination. An example would be the entrepnuer who has the freedom to take risks, setting aside his fear he takes a risk in starting a buiseness. But because he is free and not a prisoner of his fear he is able to determine for himself what is best for him and imagine what his own utopia ought be and not one provided to him by the state government. The people's of devoloping countries can not be free of their fear if they are not first given the right to freedom. If they can not escape their fear of uncertainty that comes with free trade then will not escape their poverty, and continue to allow for tyrants, like Hugo Chavez, to govern their lives.
America is feared across the world, but what is feared the most is the uncertainty that America offers to all, becasue what she is offering is the promise of freedom. America is hated because we offer the trueth of unbounded freedom. What is needed are tools for people to protect their right of self determination. We as people can do a better job in trying to bridge the gap between ignorance and enlightenment. For generations Americans have braved the unknown whether it was venturing across vast plains or exploreing the vast seas of the world. Are we afraid when we start? Sure. But we are free to take the risks as we so choose, because we have become fearless in takeing chances that decide our fate. Nothing is as great as to know that we as people are free to determine for our selves, the paths in life we ought to take . People like Hugo Chavez deny to his people that choice of self determination that only a free and fearless people can make. That is why we must stand up to tyrants and seek ways' of enlighting people imprisoned by fear, of the virtue in being free, from that fear, for the sake of claiming their right of self determination.


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