The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

From the Peanut Gallery: 08 The Early View:

'08 primairies are still two years and three months away yet the race is starting to take an early shape. We have Hillary who we've known was going to run for years now, she's looking like a contender. The big question there, are there going to be any democrats to oppose her in '08, or are they going to hand it to her? Evan Baye was in the state last week to give a speech, word is that he was quite impressive. Could be something building there.Other Democrats of interest John Kerry? Please.It's all ego there. John Edwards could come out as being the outside the belt way canidate. Govonor Bill Richardson from New Mexico is intrigueing but it's still to early to tell if he has "it". Sen. Russ Feigngold? Who? No name recognition in the state yet. An unknown quanity. As for the Republicans it's an open field, Mccainis a front runner, but is he going to attract the money he needs to run a national campaign? Can he move the party faithful to cough up some dough? Besides there has'nt been a president elcected from the senate in how many years? Personaly I like Mccain, (no I'm not on the payroll of the Republican party, or any canidate), but right now I have yet to see if he has "it", the motivateing factor, and ability to convince people to vote, and donate money for him. Another likely Republican canidate is Mitt Romney, govonor of Mass. The early view here is he's vunerable. He's got questionable skills as a govonor. He does'nt listen to advisers, and commisions that he personaly appoints particualy well. Another down side which might seem a plus is he's known to the people of NH, whare he vactions on lake Winnipisauki. You would think this would be an advantage, whare he would have instant name recognition being the govoner of a neighboring state, and a summer vactioner. But the people of NH know him, the Boston media market dominates the heavily populated southern part, which allows for easy criticizims of the govoner to reach the people of NH. But this all becomes mute if the primary calender is changed within the next year with NH loosing it's first in the nation status primairy, which is possible thanks to the Democrats. Who else for the Republicans? Virginia Sen. George Allen is rumored to be a strong canidate. Downside no name recognition, an unknown in the state of NH. Tennesse Sen. Bill Frist, please he's damaged goods. As senate majority leader his leadership under the attacks by the Democrats make him look vunerable. Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is a question mark. Does' he have "it"? He's got solid credentials and is a reliable quanity for the Republican party. NY Gov.George Pataki. The downside potential here is he capable of beating Hillary? She might do a pretty good job of takeing him down. Another factor is he seems like he's another Mitt Romney, can he govern effectivly?Does he have "it"? He's not realy known outside of NY. I don't see any upside yet. Finaley two outside shots from the Republicans. Newt Gingrich, and Miss. Gov. Hailey Barbour. As for Newt can he appeal to enough moderate, independant voters to win? Will the fact that he seems to be a right wing extremeist be a factor? Gov. Barbour might be the suprise canidate for '08 . He has shown he can govern effectivly in times of crisis, aka. Hurricane Katrina. He's got a strong postion that he can win from. He's shown he's not a weak and ineffectual govonor. He's also got solid credentials as a Republican, haveing been Republican chair could help with name recognition, and raiseing money. The primairies are two plus years away so stay tuned.


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