The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Friday, November 11, 2005

From the Peanut Gallery: MCcain is going to run.

Is he or won't he? It's not if but when is he going to announce. Check out his speech to the American Enterprise Institute. It's obvisouly that he laying the ground work for 08. This speech reads like a foriegn policy speech that a presidential canidate would give. He's on the record now for haveing given a major foreign policy. What he's allso done is staked out ground, that anyone else who runs will either have to ,or that the Senator is right, or go negitave, and look as though they oppose the war. Or maybe look incompetent because they criticize a policy that actualy makes sence. This speech was a shrewd move, on the Senator's part.


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