The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Whares' The Republican Party?

Has anyone seen the Republican Party? I think it got lost somewhare. Hello! Have you seen the Republican Party? I have'nt seen the real Republican Party since George W. became president, and some people called congress got taken over by a group of neoDemocrats calling themselves Republicans. Whats up with that ? Honestly I have'nt seen real group of Republuilcans in Congress since Newt Gingrich tried to rally the to troops to storm the WhiteHouse with that revolution of his back in '94. Whare is he now? They ought to send VH1 out to find him and do one of those, whare they are stories. Oh wait, this is politics aint' it, ok. What about the Daily Show? Is John Stewart busy ? If you want fair and balanced ok what about Fox News Kirk Camron? I'm sure he'd have no problem in trackling Newt down and asking the realy serious stuff like is he jealous that Hillary has better popuralaity rateings than he ever did?Is he also envious that the former first lady looks' like a shoein to be the Democratic nominee for president in '08? What does he think about the president messing up Iraq like he has? If Newt were still in Congress would he storm the Whitehouse now over the budget? What would he do about the base closeing fiasco? To save money? Please. I have not heard one honest way on how to cut government waste since the ol' boy left, excuse me got tossed by Clintons' cronies. But if Newt realy wants to be found then he ought to beg to get on Hard Ball with Chris Matthews, because then he would be talking to the belt way. Besides no one gets' taken seriously inside the beltway, unless you've been on either Sunday morning with Tim Russert, or you've been on Hard Ball, recently. Then maybe he could get some momentom to stage a comeback on the hill. Come on Newt the country needs you. Delay is in the ropes, the president cant' get an ambassador confirmed, never mind the judges'. But above all the Republicans need you, oh wait the neoDemocrats. Sorry Senator Mcain, I was'nt includeing you. Seriously when was the last time you heard about government reform? Um? Before W. got elected? Oh wait I know what happend, those so called modedrate Republicans got a president whom they could follow to the feeding bowl, its' called tax payer money. Pork, its' the color of money. Its what politicians have for dinner. If any one finds a real republican let me know please. Also please dont' say Senator John Mcain thats' too easy.


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