The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Homosexuality: A Reasoning

What is homosexuality? Is it love? Desire? Passion? Is it to love another of the same sex? Is it the desire to love another of the same sex? (I am not here to condem people who consderthem selves homosexual but to explore the idea of homosexuality in terms of a reason as to why people are. That is philosophy, to explore the reasoning of human actions and emotions. Though I do condem the act of homosexuality.) Could homosexsuality be all those things? To me it could. But in light of this weeks news that homosexuality could be the result of a malfunction in the brain it could also be physical problem. If as it appears that homosexality is a result of some malfuntion in the brain then it becomes possible for science to find a way to fix it. Its' been argued that homosexuality is a result of love for another, just of the same sex. But that begs to ask the question what then is the nature of love? Is love an emotion? Is it a desire? Or is it a passion? I think most would agree that love is defined as an emotion. Love then must be a very powerful emotion to evoke strong feelings of protection for what is seen as part of the natural order. I am refering to the fact that some see homosexuality as part of the natural order of life. Homosexuality then the reasoning goes is part of a natural order of life, comeing from the emotion of love. But is it? If homosexuality is a result of some malfunction in the brain, and it can be fixed then the idea that homosexuality is part of the natural order of life falls apart. Its one thing to think of homosexuality in terms of love, its another to think of it terms of the physical.
But what is sex? Is it a way to satisfy earthly desires? Is it a way to communicate love? What is the natural purpose of sex in life? It seem seems that sex serves to functions. First it serves to satisfy desire, which is what attracts people to others, and is what mainly drives people to haveing sex in the first place. Second sex is the physical way to communicate that love to another person. So if you have the two functions of the physical way, which sex is used in nature, then what is the emotion that bridges the emotional and physical parts of life? Love. Could it be that love is such a powerful emotion, that it is the driveing force behind desire, and passion? Or do people mistake desire for the emotion of love? What then drives the role of passion? Could it be that both love and desire drive passion? I say yes. Furthermore I would argue that yes love is such a powerful force in life that it can be perverted if it is not properly controlled. But how powerful is love? Its possibly so powerful that it takes the strongest of people to control it. But is it? Or is love mistaken for what is realy desire? I think it can be mistaken for desire as is often the case. To me love is one of the most powerful forces of nature, it is also one of the most pure forces. As such when people distort nature by certain actions they also can distort and change the charater of that force of nature, as is the case with homosexuality. I believe that homosexuality as an act is impure. I believe that the soul becomes tainted and soiled by the acts of homosexuality. I believe that homosexulaity distorts the pureity of love thus canceling out any way that love can be called a purifying force of nature. Also I dont' believe in civil rights just for people who consider themselves homosexual. That brings me to another argument. I beleieve that all people regardless of race,creed, gender, sexuality, are all equaly enititled to the natural rights of humanity, and to all thus protections therein. I dont' belive we need a special set of rights just for a people of a cetain sexual affiliation.


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