The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Abortion: A Reasoning

I find most people who are prolife seem to be quite unforgiveing when it comes to the issue of abortion. But abortion is a issue whare too many poeple get to hot headed, and loose all common sence. Abortion in simple terms is action that a woman deems nessary to keep contol over her life, and not be saddled with a burden she may not want. Is abortion murder? To use the word murder is to insinuate the deliberate takeing of life that allready exsits. I do believe that yes abortion is a choice between the actions of good vs. evil. But let me define the various terms used in connection with pregancy and birth. First pregnacy ought not to be seen solely as a state of being for a woman, but a process in the creation of life. Second the starting point for life is at birth, not before. When does life begin? At birth. Why? Life begins at birth because that is the end of the state of being known as pregnacy. More precisly let me ask when is it that our parents name us?Usualy its at birth or shortly there after. Not only are we named but thats' when we get our first documents recognizieing our exstitance in the form of the birth certificate. Now let me ask what is the meaning of fetus?Is it a state of being or is it a process of birth? Fetus usualy refers to the baby in the womb, thus to me it is a state of being, but not yet a complete being, since the state of the fetus is one of creation. When does it become a baby? At birth? Yes. When a woman carries the pregnacy the nine months, then gives the child up for adoption, she is being noble in being and spirit. The action of abortion ought to be seen as being shameful,disgraceful, and a act of cowherdly wickedness. The whole process of either birth or abortion in traditional Jewish sence is a impure prosess spiritualy, though in birth the noblity of the act cancels out the impureity. Thus the woman who has the abortion risks not only physical trauma, mental trauma, but also a spiritual trauma. The woman might choose to have the abortion done to retain control over her life, but she risks grave injury in three different ways. I believe that abortion being in simple terms a choice between good or evil, should allways be the womans choice no matter her age. If she chooses to have sex and the result is pregnacy then the choice, it seems to me is hers by right of nature. I believe this world about the freedom of choice between the forces of good or evil. I believe that women who have abortions also need love and forgiveness the most. I am highly critical of the Catholic Church for not being more forgiveing of those who have abortions. I believe that Catholic Church as one of the most out spoken and critical of all religous dominations, which understands the issue quite well is lacking the love and humiltiy to over come its own hatred of abortion, and become more forgiveing. Not only should it be more loveing and forgiveing but it needs to profess such belief in public, and do all it can to change not only the minds of women considering haveing abortions, but their followers as well.