The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Monday, May 09, 2005

In Defense of a Celebate Priesthood

In recent years the Catholic church has come under fire because it will not allow priests' to marry. However it is the very act of celebacy that this the church its' moral authority. What act is more noble and honorable, than to forsake the chance to ever marry or to ever fall in love with a wonderful woman. It is the vow of celebacy that commits a person to the responseablity of serving the Lord in the community. The vow to God is a vow of sacrifice. It is one of the greatest sacrifices a man can make in his life. Those who hear the call but don't answer because they would much prefer to marry instead, lack the strength and the will to devote themselves to God. It is only those who have the internal fortitude to serve with absolute devotion, that take the vow of celebacy. Why is it that those who are celebate give the church its' moral authority? Becuase its' the nature of the of the sacrifice of man giveing his life to God in service through his church. Think of it this way, hell in the sence that it is a place of punishment, and enslavement, is also a very lonely place. By vowing to be celebate, a priest is vowing to deny himself the love and compaionship that a marriage would bring to him. He is takeing the risk of being forever alone in this exsistance. The risk is feeling the pain of being all alone, which is like feeling the fires' of hell. So what must a man do to over come the pain of loneliness? To seek out with his whole mind and being the comfort and grace of God. By doing this he accomplishes two things, first he shows faith, and devotion to God by seeking him out in his time of need, second he becomes a example to the community at large by this act of faith in God. Despite all this I will concede a need for married priests in the community. I will also concede that being both married and a priest is a sacrifice on both time and family, thus no less honorable or noble in any way. The problem with priests' marrying lies in the very vow of celebacy. The vow is to God and is not something that should be taken lightly. It is solemn vow of devtion to the Lord, a vow of sacrifice, and humility. What should the church do? I recommend that the church allow for permanent deacons who have allready married, who have served at least seven years, and who have been married at least ten years to become priests. Further I propose that those priests wishing to marry, and break their vow to God, be asked to leave the priesthood for a period of seven years. Such men ought to become permanent deacons. The seven years becomes a punishment for breaking a most solemn vow. The seven ten rule. Ten years married, seven years as deacon.
Continueing my line of thought, under my proposed rules should women be allowed to become priests? Yes. But I would add so long as any parrish would accept a woman as a priest or pastor at their church. The church hierachy seems to have forgotten that it is the people whom it serves also and not just the Lord. If a parrish wishes to have a woman preist then let it. So long as the woman is held to the same standards as the men, then whats the big deal? The big deal might be the role of Christ as the ultimate human sacrifice, and the tradtion of the church of haveing men represent that sacrifice through the priesthood. I would argue here that women can aslso represent a form of human sacrifice, on the female side. A female Christ? Are not women allowed to suffer as well? Hersay? Everyday woman around the world suffer because of what is is percieved as male superioty. Women in my view are just as likey to suffer and feel the pain of loneliness, just like men. Thus to allow women to serve in the role of priests is no less honorable or noble, than for men to be priests. We all worship a the same God.
Peace of God be with you.


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