The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Islam: and the Extremeism of Orthodox Religion

The way of orthodox religion is to be intolerant to any view that runs counter to the orthodox view of religion. Any intolrance in religion goes against the very nature of religion. Religion is the way in which the higher power is worship,honored and revered. Religion is not just view point of philosophy or theology, religion also becomes a way of life to those devoted to their spiritual life as well. Intolerance is a form of hatered, and it must be resisted by those who desire toworship the higher goodness of this world. Those who are strong in internal fortitude are also capable of being strong in chairity. To define charity one ought to look in the book "MY DAILY BREAD", by the CONFRATERNITY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD, pg.284, subtitled The Effects of Charity in Daily Life. This whole chapter deals with the ideal of charity in daily life, and is a exllent lesson in the very virtue of charity in life.
Islam has recently recieved alot of negative news because of the violent actions of extremeists through out the world. This is unfair to Islam because according to the Koran it is not meant to be a religion intent on the violent destruction of the world. If we look at the time period in which Mohammed wrote the holy book we'll see that it was a time of great social upheaval, the world was rife with violent clashes between the last remanats of the Roman empire, and various migrateing tribes, violent tribes who were pagans in their beliefs. It was these infidels of whom Mohammed spoke of, and not those in their own way worshiped the same Lord God. To me Mohammed was a prophet and holy man whose intent was to convert the pagan peoples of the Arab pennisula, to the worship of the Lord God, of supreme goodness. In my view he did quite well considering that he was such a lowly and humble man. But as is the way with human nature, greed for power got the best of man, thus the fighting for the role as Mohammeds' successor. Its' fine to debate the finer points of the teachings of a great teacher like Mohammed, but quite another to get violent over such differences. Todays' Muslum extemeists' are not only misguided, but they also misjudge the role Islam should be playing in this world. If a theology does not help in guideing people to better understand the role of religion in life, and to better worship the God of goodness then it fails to understand its own existance. It also can be corrupted by its followers who misinterpit its meaning.
None of the three major religions, Christianity,Hebrew ,or Islam was ever intended to become violent reliogions. Nor were they ever meant to be religions of intolrance and hate. Such things are the corruption of evil influencing the emotions and passions of the followers of the lord God. Religion should two main purposes. First it should be able to focus the will of the people to the worship of the Lord God. Second it should provide the tools and ablitiy for the faithful to learn and to be enlightend about the Lord and his divine nature. I dont' think that the Lord wants followers who cant' think for themseleves. I think that the Lord wants faithfull followers who can understand who it is that they worship, to do so one must seek out the learning, the education necessary to properly follow the divine will. All which requires people to become enlightend not just about their own religions but those of others'. In the end the road to martydom lies not in violence, but in the enlighted mind of a educated person.
Violent religious extremeism runs counter to the very nature of the Lord, it also runs counter the nature of charity which is so important in everyone getting along.


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