The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Mistake in Returning the Draft

An article has appeared in Usatoday and it got me thinking of the draft.""
This ariticle has gotten me thinking about the place of the draft in American society. There isnt' one. Unless you think that the military is what rules the government. Conspiracy theory time. Not. Fact is the U.S. Military does not meddle in in politics, cept maybe for its budget needs. But in a free society, what right does the government have to impose consription on the people? Government forgets that it gets its legitmacy from the people, and it is the people who bestow authority onto the government, to act and make laws' for the people. To bring back the draft would be an act of desperation on the part of the politcians and the generals as a recognition of the fact that support for the war in Iraq isnt' very high, amoung the American people. The politicians have led America to afar afield in this appreant American imperailism, are the ones to blame because they have chosen to stretch the armed forces way to thin to the point of causeing stress in the pipeline of the armedforces. Congress is also to blame by not takeing the lead in odering the exective branch to increase the number of infantry divisions in both theMarines and Army. Poor war planning. To me the intial invasaion of Iraq was a brillant piece of work by General Franks and his staff. But the biggest mistake that was made, was the planning for the after the war, and the blame to me lies' with the politicians who gave the military their orders. The politicians are failing in selling the continueing American presance in Iraq to the American people. By bringing back the draft the administration risks looseing all support for the American presance in Iraq. One word.Vietnam. In a society based on personal freedom, virtue, and the spirit of patroitism, to bring back the draft would run counter to those values and virtues on which this nation was so founded. The politicians and the generals need to examine carefully the way in which America fights wars. America will only support a war if they are told that a dire evil threatens the good of the nation, and the world. The draft should not be used a cover for the failure to execute the war and the post war conflict correctly.


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