The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Virtue of Sport:

Sport is an activity that is, at its is base, a noble, and virtous activity. It can bring together many different emotions, people,and virtues. It can bring people together in community, it is a great teacher of communication, and team work. It is allso a great teacher of disipline. You need disipline to win. Sport allso promotes good health and fitness of being. Sport looses its virtue when it is played for money. Sport then becomes another form of entertainment, and greed rules the motives of playing sports. America has lost something of its soul when a kid chooses to skip going to colledge and start playing professional basketball, because if the seemingly easy money. Hard work and sacrifice are not virtues promoted to todays youth, who are impoverished, rather the lure of easy mony and fame, and a quick way out of poverty are the lures of prosports. Sometimes the hard road is the better road. Go to colledge, grow up, mature, become a better person then experiance the finer things of life. The Puritan ethic. America has lost the spirit of virtue and it is reflected in not only, in todays youth, and the populairty of prosports, but in every aspect of our culture, and society.

Property Rights:

The Supreme court this week threw the idea of property rights out the door. But did they? They made law, which is not the role of the High court, it's role is to decide if laws are fair and constitutional. The High court's greatest mistake was to make law. Theres' a dual need for redevolpment, and protection of prperty rights. Because of the ruleing from the Supreme Court the president and congress now have to take up the issue of property rights. They ought to pass a constitution ammendment with provision of guarnteeing property rights, and protection with due process. Emmient domain should be allowed for redevolpment of blighted and deteriating city areas. Whare theres' profit potential theres' motive for devolpment. The distiction should be made that a person who owns many acres of land has greater right to property right, and protection, than a person with a plot of land for the home. Thus the person who owns more has the greater protection, than the person who owns the least.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Disregard for the Rule of Law:

Since September 11, 2001, when President Bush declared a war on terror in the wake of events on that fateful day, the president and his administration, along with the military has disregarded not only the principles, and the basis for law in our society, but he has allso acted with reckless abandoment when it comes to history of, the rule of law in our country. There has not been a President in the history of this great nation of ours, who in such a short period of time has so destroyed our system of law as this president has. He not only has destroyed and ignored it, but at his whim shapes it for his own political gain. President Bush will not only be remembered for the events' following that day but allso for the way in which he destroyed twohundred years of noble and honourable law makeing and foriegn policy . President Bushes' America will go it alone strategy is a failure, and a disgrace for a nation that once prided its self of acting with the broad support of other nations. I admire President Bushs' courage to face a war alone and against popluar opinion, but the president chose the wrong time and the wrong place for such courage. He is a fool for the choices that he made and not listening to disenting voices of opinion. He has thus led us as nation down the road a road of unforseen consequnces. The war in terror and the invasion of Iraq will have consequences long after President Bush has left office in January 2009. The presidents legacy will be one of shame for this nation and the disregard for the rule of law that has been the m.o. of this administration.

Due process:

It is one of the more noble aspects of the American Judicial system that we have what is called Due Process. It should be recognized as being universal in nature, applying to all nations with any kind of leagal system. Due Process ought to apply to anyone held for any criminal activity, and or crimes against huamnity, i.e. unlawful combatants cought by haveing fought in what is considered, defined as being a war. Due Process allso ought to apply to all individuals held by any nation for what it calls suspected criminal, and or terrorists activites. The Bush administration, by holding the suspected terrorists in Gitmo, is not only disgracing itself, but allso the nation by not allowing the action of Due Process take place when it comes to these suspected terrorists. The Bush administration and the military leagal system is doing everything wrong and disgrasceful, all that runs counter to American ideals,and principles, thats its disgusting.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What the hell is this, Russia?

My apologies to Larry the cable guy for borrowing his line, but its' appropriate for whats been happening in this country of democracy and freedom. Freedom? Its' gouing to be an endangered species pretty soon the way government is takeing power which is not theirs. I must admit that I did vote for President Bush, but under his presidency we've seen a lost of freedom and tranparency of government. What we allso see is a Republican Congress willing to follow him off the clift. The turning point in recent American History was the events of September 11, 2001. On that day America became hostage to fear. That is the day America lost its' freedom as we became hostage to the terrorists of hate. Whatever happend to the idea that Republicans were fot the limited role of goverment regualtion of society? Does that apply only when it comes to the needs of bid buisness, at the cost to American taxpayers? Whose freedom is government protecting? Big buisness? Because government certainly is'nt protecting my freedom. I see government giveing into fear and takeing more of my rights as a citicezen. I see government being less acctountable to me the taxpayer, and more to the fears of a few, and big buisness. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I should be able to live my life in private without the prying eyes of government watching what I do in the name of national security. Now its become in the name of national securtity that government keeps secret any files it might have on me, they cant' say now if I'm ever under investigation for saying something against the government. If I'm notified that I'm under investigation for alleged terror activities I cant' tell anyone? Thats' crap. That flies in the face of due process and the ablity to clear my name in a public manner, however I choose. How about innocent till proven guilty? Oh I forgot that does'nt realy apply any more since we're in this war on terror. (Well somebody let me know when its over so I can wake up from this nightmare,and watch as government creep continues, and say I told you so.) New rules apply? Since when? The basis of democracy is on the noble character of the people. When we have the loss of virtue, we fall into a state whare nothing is shameful, and the people loose their rights to the needs of the state. Thus government creep follows when the people fail to act with virtue, and to remain vigilant of the actions of the state.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

A New Conservative?

Rethinking conservatism for a minute, isnt it being conservative to want to think Of America, and Americans' first then to think of the rest of the world next. Don't liberals think of the world first then the rest of the world? How about a new conservatism? One based on ideals of the Democratic party except that on issues of morality it takes the high ground and believe as the Republicans do? Whats wrong as condeming homosexual acts as being wrong? Let people call themselves gay, just condem the actions of homosexuality as being wrong. Morality finds its tradtions in the ideas of noblity and honour let no one do anyting that might bring shame upon them. Condem the acts, but repect a persons right to pursue life as they see fit. I choose to see homosex acts wrong and that is my right. But the larger point ought to be on the focus to take back the Democrat party from a group of people with no respect for morality. Support programs that help the poor, the working class, and the middle class. Respect the place of the rich in social life, because everyone aspires to one day be rich and well off.

Bring home the Troops?

Bring home the troops now? No. Despite the causualties I beliveve we must stay the coarse in Iraq. Why? It is a noble scarifice we make in the name of liberty and democracy in Iraq. It time to stay and make sure things get better for the people of Iraq. Our legacy cannot be like that of vietnam, whare we simply cut and ran. Had we wanted to cut and run the time would've been before we had captured Saddam. Once we had the bastard, Iraq became ours to make right. Despite news reports of bombings and insurgent attacks Iraq is becomeing a better place for Iraqis of today and tomrrow. America has a chance to leave in Iraq legacy of noble sacrifce made by overcomeing the challenges made by the insurgency and the horror that was left behind by Saddam Hussien and his cronies. The greater challenge to America must be faced by not the soldiers and citiciezns on the ground in Iraq, but the American generals and all the politicians involved. The generals need to get better of fighting gorilla wars, and reorganizieing Americans forces so that they can fight the gorrila war and the conventional war. Otherwise the mistakes of Vietnam will be repeated and so will the coarse of history. We sit at a crossroads in history, we can either make the right choices which are never easy, or we can take the easy way out and let history repeat its self.

Republicans,Independents, and Democrats

The idea in America of Republicans being conservative, and Democrats being libral, has been turned on its' head in America today. President Bushes' war in Iraq is something a liberal would do, not a conservative. A true conservate would've kept the troops home and not gone into Iraq. Librals are allways looking to spread the idea of democracy and the rule of the people. Democrats in turn have become more concerned with the people at home. America first has allmost become the new Democrat mantra. On social issues though somethings have'nt changed, because Republicans are still conservative on moral issues, and Democrats are still libral in their views on morality. A split political landscape. The two parties have become inverted in their views. Thus the place of idependents in the political process. Independents like Republicans for their smaller gevernment is better views, and the fact that people allways like tax cuts. But independents are either liberal or conservative in their views of morality. In my expeirance independents are mostly conservative on issues of morality. Independents though often tend to support the soical programs of the Democrats, because independents often come from the middle working class whare jobs and a feeling of security are important. So what works best? What works best is the middle ground that Independents inhabit. The party that best convinces the Indies that it can fullfill the needs of the middle is the party that will more often than not will win the political game. All which means either striking compimises or loosing the middle ground to the opposition. If someone is smart enough to see the wisdom of the middle ground then this crazy political inverted political landscape can be turned around.

Monday, June 06, 2005

The children of Rape:

The children of rape are the fruit of a crime, man against woman. In which case a womans' body has been viloated against her will. The children who are the unfortunate product of this crime, often unfortunately get the burden of shame which is not heir fault. Just as evil breeds evil, so does hate breed hate. The mother as a victim of the crime hates the man for the rape, thus she often expresses this hate through hatred of the child which she was forced to bear. But a child is a child no matter how it was created thus just as deserving of love, as any child born through normal parent relations. To deny the the child the love due to it like any other child is the same injustice as the crime of rape its' self. I would argue that any woman who becomes pregnant as the reslut of rape bear the child till birth then immeadately give it up for adoption so that it might find a loveing home. I do not sopport abortion in the cases of rape or inncese. Rather I believe the child should allways be given a chance to live. There tends to be in this age of civil reasoning the remnants of a belief that in certain cases to give birth at certain times or under special circumstances that it is shameful to give birth to a child. Contrary to that belief it is far more noble and noble to give birth under those most trying circumstanses, than in under the most normal of cases.