The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why we ask why.

Why do we ask why? Why do things work the way that they do? Why does the sun move around the sky? Why does the moon come out only at night? Why do we have to go to school? Why do we have to stop at a  red light? For every question that begins with why there's an answer. So why do we ask why? Perhaps it's our desire to know, to understand the reason as to why things happens, or the reason as to why we do things the way that we do things a certain way. Perhaps in knowing the reasoning behind the why we we then have order in our lives. Is is plausible the we need, we desire in our lives? Do we not create order in our lives? Do we not create structure in our lives? We have computers, smart-phones, that we use to keep track of our contacts and appointments. Do we not then have a form of order and structure in our lives? Another example is the fact that we have computers filled with data that is then transformed into information, that is then placed in a structure that we call a database. We collect data, sort, and organize it. Why? Because we like to know, to understand why others are doing the things that they are doing. We like to ask the question why. Why do consumers spend the way they do? We like to know such answers so that someone some where can make money by catering to consumer tastes and desires. We then have taken  our answer from why, and made it into something that a person can then take action in relation to our answer of why. Why becomes the goal of scientists as they seek the answers as to why something does what it does. Thus why becomes the principle question that we ask when  we don't understand something. The question why or how are interrelated in that they ask the same question just a little differently. Why then becomes a general question, that is in contrast to the how. When we ask how then we are asking for the specifics as to how something works. We might ask why does a computer work, or we might ask how does a computer work. Whats the difference? By asking why does a computer work  we could answer because it was made to work. Thus a general question met with a general answer. But a specific question, how does a computer work? Is answered with a very specific, and long and answer explaining the processes as to how a computer works. Therefore we have moved beyond why and now ask how. It is in answering how that our understanding and knowledge of something increases. We can see that there's a logical progression of human learning from the why to how do things work.


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