The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Reason Why We Cannot See God.....

I believe that we face a choice in this life. We can either believe in God or not believe in God. It easier to not believe in God than it is to be a believer. Why? It’s easy to pick and choose our reasons for not believing God than it is to stand up and say I believe in God. It’s easier to turn a blind eye and say well since I don’t see God why should I believe in him? I don’t see Christ or the angels so I don’t believe in God. God has not manifested himself in my life why should I believe? Science cannot prove the existence of God so why should I believe in God if Science has not proved that there is a God? Though if you were to ask the faithful their reasons for believing in God you might get responses like; I believe in God because it’s tradition. I believe in God because I feel that there’s a higher being in the world and it is God. My own personal belief is that God does indeed exist. I believe that he is a loving and wise being who desires for me to follow the path that he sets before me. I also believe that to know God and to be faithful to him is a personal quest, one that only that the individual can undertake. It is the faithful who are tried and tested for their beliefs and faith, and it is the faithful who must justify their faith in God. It is easier to be a skeptic or not to believe than it is to be a follower of God’s. It sounds like a lot of work to be a faithful follower of God. And it is. That’s why a lot of good people quit in believing in and of God, because it’s easier not to believe, than it is to believe. Let me give you another example. You come to a fork in the road. You know where you want to go. There’s the high road and the low road. The high road is harder and might take longer to get you where you are going. The low road on the other hand is easier and will get you where you want to go sooner. Which do you choose? The high road offers a great reward at the end and the low road looks just as promising which would you choose knowing that the high road is the harder of the two roads to travel? If you take the high road then you are taking the road of faith and traveling will not be easy but if might offer you salvation. The low road is for the unfaithful. Those who do not believe and will only find damnation at the end. For the skeptic there might seem like there’s a third road, a middle road. Travel it if you will but it will get you no where in the end. Faith in the end is about the choice of human reason. Do we or don’t we believe? How we arrive at the answer that we base our reason upon will ultimately decide our fate. Thus in the end the reason we cannot see God is because we face test of faith and cannot see God until our faith has proven true.


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