The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Meaning, Value, and Purpose Considered.

Today I consider somethings. Namely meaning, value and purpose of life, or MVP for short. Whether we realize or not the universe is a living thing. It has vast powers beyond comprehension. The only one’s capable of knowing the power of the universe, are the direct offspring of the universe, Gods like ours, and of other solar systems. For every solar system out there, there is a God that rules over that solar system. Not all Gods are a like and not all hold the same value’s as our. What is the purpose of being in the universe? For that we first have to understand the meaning of our life. Allow me to repeat my self from an earlier post. We are characters in life. We are like actors or who these characters in a story that never ends and it is up to us to write our part in life as we see fit. If we don’t like our characters then it is up to use to find a way to change. If we don’t like the role we play in the story then it is up to us to change it. But we often seem directionless. That is why we ask, what is the meaning of life? And we ask of God what purpose is there in our life? We look to the almighty for that direction and if we listen closely enough we will hear it. The lord will often place in on paths that best suit our natural talents. Since no two people are the same,( not even twins are the same person since there are things that distinguish them) we all live unique lives. By finding our value or our purpose on life, in the never ending story we are then able to determine our place in the universe. First realize that the universe is an awfully big place and where we do not have the ability to travel to other solar systems just yet our ability to influence events in the universe is rather limited, thus for now our place and the purpose of our lives remains here on earth. Second when the time comes and the technology does exist to find other beings in other solar systems it will be at that point that we can ask what role do we, or should we play in the universe? My prediction is that humans will be the great influences of the universe. Why? Because we are unique in that we can decide between good and evil. That might not always be the case of other beings. There other reasons that will make us the great influences of the Universe such as our ability to persevere through challenges and our loving and caring natures. Other beings and other cultures might find that, who we are to be refreshing compared to what they know of. As humans we bring our own history and perspective to the affairs of the universe. We will either by chance or design, find our place in the story of the universe.


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