The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Public's Trust.

What is public trust? We hear the words in media about the public's trust, but what is the public's trust? What is it that the public is suppose to trust in? The public trust might be that it trusts that elected officials in all levels of government will act for the greater good of all. The public trust might be that the police or fire departments will be there to protect and serve them. The public trust might be that it, the general public, trusts the teachers to educate the children. In general then the public trust is all these things that everyone has access to public goods or services. What happens when a group such as politicians loose the public's trust? Does the loss then become a moral issue such as the fact that since a politician looses the public's trust that they can no longer do they job? I would have to answer no. The politician might loose the public's trust, they might yet hold on to power by staying in power, while ignoring the voice of the people. The politician might even manage to run for office again, and win, thereby staying in office, even though the politician has lost the general public's trust. So what good does it do to have the public's trust? To have the public's one would presume that it would make it easier to pass laws and regulations. Thus it is easier to find support for a politician, and their views. However the public's trust will only go so far as the public is willing, and able to believe in the integrity of a politician's words, and actions. The minute that the public no longer trust's the integrity of a politician's words or actions, the politician will have then lost the public's trust, the voters then become disfranchised with not just the individual politician, but with the whole area of politics. Taking stock of the public's view of politics today we might consider the fact that the public trust of politician's has been lost as a result of greed. Politician's have gotten greedy for power, for the perks that go with power, the supposed prestige that goes with having political power. There fore you have politician's that will say one thing to get elected and do another thing once in office. They in effect compromise their own integrity for short term gain. Can Congress have the public trust if they do not follow the same laws and rules that apply to the public? The answer is no. By creating laws and rules that exempt a certain class of people, those members of Congress and their staffs, they ignore, or rather choose to forget the reason why they are where they are. They are public servants meant to protect and serve the needs of the public. In the case of the member's of Congress they serve by protecting the rights of their voters, and ensure that government is run for the public, and not for certain special interest groups. Therefore one can only conclude that the integrity of the US Congress has been lost because it is inhabit by a majority of selfish people as opposed to being a governing body compromised of selfless people. Even though the majority of members in Congress might be immoral, there still exist within it's hallow walls those who seek to act in a selfless manner. The only way for Congress to regain the public trust is to become selfless, and restore a sense of integrity within the way it operates.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some times life feels like being on a treadmill.

Sometimes life feels like a being on a treadmill. In this case the treadmill means to run in place and not really go anywhere. I can work hard at work but what have I accomplished? Nothing significant other than doing my job which in my case means keep the isle stocked and full, the isle looking neat and customers able to find the items they want. I feel this way about the tech industry. I just got my Associates in Computer Information Sciences and already I feel the degree is outdated or irrelevant, because if I work to try, and find work in computer networking I have to work hard to keep my skills up to date in the newest and latest advances in technology, which means knowing all about cloud computing and virtualization. The thing with tech is that advances happen so fast that someone might feel that they are on a treadmill working hard to stay abreast of the latest trends, and the latest technologies with the fear that they might loose their jobs if they don't, this might result in feelings of burn out after years of trying to stay abreast and ahead of everything that goes on around them. What might be done to avoid burnout? Find a job field where the advances in technology are not so fast paced. For example if a person deals with computer networks and they feel burnout in their job field they might consider taking up computer programming. The advances in computer languages are not so rapid, and the changes in a language are easier to adjust to rather than learning a whole new way of doing something, such as moving from dealing with physical routers to dealing with virtual routers. Moving from Ipv4 to Ipv6. If moving to another job occupation is not an option then a person ought to look at their quality of life. Do they work out? Are they able to relieve perhaps the boredom or the tediousness of the job with weight lifting? They might be able too. Living better and living healthier. From a personal perspective I enjoy getting outdoors and doing yard work, or spending quality time with my wife. I hate wasting a Sunday in front of the TV when I could be with my wife doing something together that we enjoy doing. This goes back to the quality of life issue. I have decided to break from the treadmill in my life by doing things that are completely different than my life on it. There are ways to break from the routine or even the tediousness of the treadmill in our lives we just have to take the first steps in doing so.
