The Reclusive Pilgrim

This a blog of my thoughts on politics, religion, philosophy. I am a reclusive pilgrim searching for the meaning of life and the higher power of goodness, in this world . My desire is to share my thoughts of what I have discovered through experience.

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Location: Methuen, Mass., United States

I have such a wide variety of interests including what might happen after worst case scenario's, such as what might happen after an ET attack, and the future of humanity. I also consider issues of politics and religion on my blogs and on other social media platforms.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Being Human

We laugh, we cry, we love, we get angry. We as humans have emotions. This is a major part of who we are being human. By being human we also have the capacity to choose, or rather to make choices. It is by being free to make choices that we can control our lives. As much as we control our lives there is one unavoidable fact, which is we exist by chance. What we cannot control with our choices is a matter of chance. There's a chance that this might happen and then there's a chance that it won't happen. But part of being human is experiencing the effects from both choice and chance. C&C. I could say that I choose to lead a moral life. And I very well might for the most part but then chance steps in and forces me to with some circumstance that I must choose between living a moral life or setting aside my moral beliefs for some choice that might run counter to my morals, but yet I must live with my self for making that choice. How do I cope. What impression of life did life did the experience leave on me? Chances are my view on life and of my self will change. But that is a part of being human. The experience of being. We live there for we experience life. If we did not exist we would not live, and by not living we do not exist. Life is rich, full of experience's that are unique to the individual. My wife and I got married. On our wedding day I did not see the day the same way that she saw it. I was only able to see it from my perspective and she was only able to see from her's even though we had the experience's that we shared that day. But that's what colored our lives, in that we saw and shared the same even from a different perspective. Then we conveyed what we saw, and felt to each other, and to others. This in turn adds color to life. If we look at modern media this is what happens to us in this world. Let's take the events of 9/11. The events were shown an reported and shown as close real time as was possible. The effects of that media coverage were enormous. I saw the events unfold thousands of miles away, and yet they still affected me. Take for example the fighter that I saw take off from a local airport or the fact that since no planes could fly the sky's were quiet for three days. Or how about the fact that I had customer say to me that I should not being using a box cutter that day considering the events that had just transpired. Everyone who lived through that day experienced it differently, and yet it is through the communication of those experiences that add color to our lives. Let's look at the events that transpired in WW2. We see black and white film footage of the landings at Normandy or combat footage for battles, but we don't see or understand the event's of what happened until we hear for our selves from the people who were there what happened, and what they were feeling. Movies have become the perfect medium for people to understand such events. When we have movies that look to cover the same event from different angle's I believe our understanding of the event increase and so to does the color of our life. We move from seeing black and white footage to seeing the events in color even though the film footage is still black and white because we have increased our knowledge and understanding of the circumstances surrounding the event. Thus life is not black or white but rather what color we decide to use to fill it in.